Your Mind is a Battleground

Romans 12 V2

Battleground of the Mind

The mind is and always has been a battleground.  As far back as the Garden of Eden, the serpent achieved his deception by sowing seeds of doubt and questioning the very commands of God.

Christians are encouraged to be transformed by the ‘renewing of their minds’, which is a challenging discipline.

At the present time, the media and other sources of influence attempt to ridicule the Christ-like mind, yet the bible teaches us that this is nothing new.

It is recorded in the book of 1Kings ch19 that immediately after a triumphant victory over the prophets of Baal, Elijah fled in doubt and discouragement when Queen Jezebel threatened his life.

There are times when even our most sincere efforts for God seem to be ineffectual so that we feel thwarted and isolated.  When this happens it is easy to become convinced that we are completely alone in our suffering when, in reality, there are many others who are labouring in similar circumstances.

It is important for each one to hold on to the truth contained in God’s Word and to train our minds so that we are not swayed by the forces of darkness and the powerful influence of a secular culture that, by and large, has no time for God.

By focusing on God, his creation and is Word, we can stand for Him.  In regard to the commandment to “Love the Lord your God“, Jesus summed up its importance in the words, “with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.”

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

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