Windrush Migrants Affair

No Proof of Citizenship

There has been a great deal of heated debate about the situation of many immigrants from various Caribbean islands who came to the UK after the second world war – over a period from 1948 to 1971 to be precise.  The description “Windrush” arises from the fact that the first immigrants in 1948 arrived on a ship named MV Empire Windrush.

After 1971, someone born outside the UK could only settle here legally if they were in possession of a work permit and could prove that one of their parents or grandparents were born in the UK.  This rule applied even though they may possess a British passport.

Although landing cards were completed by the immigrants when they arrived in the UK, the Home Office did not issue them with any paperwork to confirm their right to settle here, neither did the home office maintain any of their own records to that effect.  In fact, in 2009 a decision was made to destroy the landing cards, which was put into effect the following year

Crackdown on Illegal Immigrants

Although many of these people have lived and worked in the UK for decades and assumed they had every right to do so, they have now been caught up in the government’s crackdown on illegal immigration.  It has become a case of prove you have a right to be here or lose your right to work, social benefits and in some cases residency.

As we can imagine, for people who have been in this country since childhood and never doubted their UK citizenship, all this has come as a very great surprise and a nasty shock.

Thankfully, the government appears to have woken up to the injustice of it all and is now taking steps to ensure these people are no longer treated as illegal immigrants and hopefully to compensate those who have suffered due to the poor way in which the rules have been framed and applied.

Citizenship is a Fundamental Right and Privilege

Most of us never even think about the rights and privileges we enjoy as UK citizens.  It is something we take for granted and perhaps rightly so.  However, when a case like this arises, it causes us to think a bit more deeply about our rights.

Sadly, most people have never thought about their citizenship of heaven.  In fact most are completely unaware that there is such a thing, let alone that the bible has a great deal to say about it.

Whilst it is not possible to go into much detail in a short post like this, the very name “citizen of heaven” is pregnant with meaning of something far better and more desirable than the rights attached to citizenship of any country here on earth.

No Automatic Right to Citizenship in Heaven

Citizenship of heaven is something we really need to examine carefully because it is not automatic.  The hard truth is that by default every one of us is disqualified because our conduct does not come up to the standards of heaven.

It is only because we have a God who is extraordinarily gracious that this citizenship is available to anyone and that is only possible because of Jesus Christ.

When Jesus was crucified some 2000 years ago, he wasn’t suffering punishment for any wrong He had done.  In fact nobody could condemn Him for anything however small.  However, because He died, He is able to forgive the wrong behaviour of anyone else who asks.  Just like forgiveness by anyone, it is free, but not unconditional.  If we want Jesus to sort out our lives we need to start doing things His way.  Jesus said, “if you love me you will obey me”.

Thankfully, we don’t need to present any paperwork at the gates of heaven but we can be sure that there are ample records of who has a right to citizenship and who hasn’t.  What is more, there will be no wrong decisions or injustices.

If any of this is news to you, you would be well advised to find out more.  There are people in most local churches who can explain it all or, if you feel uncomfortable going into a church, you could try a local Christian bookshop.  Whatever you do, it is very unwise just to take your eternal destiny for granted or to merely hope for the best.

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