Rioting in UK Cities

The scenes of violence, rioting and looting that we have seen on our streets in recent days are appalling to all decent citizens of our nation.  Many people are facing a high cost in terms of businesses, employment, goods, homes, injury and even loss of life.  It all amounts to an extraordinary degree of suffering, misery and loss inflicted on innocent people by irresponsible and thoughtless individuals.

As is so often the case, the wider community is faced with paying a very high price for the ill gotten gain of a wild few.

We look in vain for any genuine justification for such conduct.  We see rioting in other places around the world but for the most part, those people have genuine grievances against overbearing governments that have been foisted upon them.

We sometimes learn of people who are rioting because they lack the absolute basics for life such as food or clean water.  In the case of the UK, nobody is making any comparable claims to justify rioting.  The authorities are left guessing about what is behind the disturbances, what are the grievances, what are the demands of the rioters or even who ought to meet their demands should they ever be revealed.

Suggested Explanations

Explanations are difficult to come by.  Some people claim there is an underlying anger that has been sparked off amongst young people who have no jobs, no hope and see no future for themselves.  This may be true but there are also many people around the world who are living peaceable and purposeful lives with far less wealth than even the poorest in the UK.  The bible has something to say about this:

In your anger do not sin.  Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.  He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands that he may have something to share with those in need.  Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:26-29)

Right Response to Anger

In other words, anger is not necessarily a bad thing.  It is an emotion we experience when we see something that is wrong and anger gives us the energy and motivation to do something about it.  When the bible says “In your anger do not sin”, it is recognizing that anger can be directed in bad ways (sin) or good ways and if people feel they have no future, the answer is to go out and do something positive about it.  That may be easier said than done but that is why the energy of anger can be a good thing because it enables us to overcome all kinds of difficulty.

The passage from the bible quoted above states specifically that the answer is not to steal, nor to be abusive, but to do something useful and to encourage others.  That is not difficult advice to follow.  There are plenty of worthwhile and fulfilling activities for those who are willing to volunteer their time and talents.  The net result would be a beneficial contribution to society instead of being destructive.

Problem of Human Nature

So why do so many people choose rioting and destruction as an outlet for their frustrations rather than directing their energies toward seeking out positive solutions.

The answer is not very palatable to many readers.  The bible tells us that we are not born inherently righteous but inherently sinful.  In other words, left without any other influences our behaviour tends toward being selfish, thoughtless to others, proud and dishonest when we perceive it to be in our own self-interest.  Of course we are all subject to influences from around us that affect our behaviour – influences such as parenting, education, social norms, authority figures, role models, media, peer pressure and a host of other factors.

The result of these many influences is that most people lead reasonably respectable lives that support society rather than undermine it.  However, where there have been few positive influences or when positive influences are no longer effective, the basic underlying bias toward sinful attitudes and behaviour tends to kick in with the results that are all too evident around us today.

Answer to Human Nature

What is the solution?  Unfortunately the usual people we look to for answers such as politicians, police, youth workers, teachers, and even parents are powerless to change the inherent nature of men and women.  The best they can do is attempt to introduce positive influences and constraints to contain the worst excesses.  To this degree, most bodies make heroic efforts and see a fair degree of success that we all welcome.  However, the only person who can change people’s inherent nature is God Himself.  It isn’t a medical or psychological solution.  Neither is it found in natural or alternative therapies.  It has to be supernatural.

The problem really needs to be tackled from the inside out instead of from the outside in.

The bible’s solution does exactly this but it cannot be applied to whole societies or even small groups.  The impact is personal and depends entirely on each individual’s response to the entreaties of God as recorded in the bible.  Nobody other than God can do it for you.  Although other people can advise and instruct you or even encourage you, it is ultimately a transaction between you and God alone.

You can find a brief commentary on how this is possible and the implications for you at our page “How to become a Christian“.  For the ultimate authoritative explanation you need to go to the bible but if you need help to understand then go and visit a local Christian church.  If you don’t get the help you seek from the first church you visit then try another until you find the answers you need.

Dealing with the worst excesses of society may be the province of the police and politicians and there may be little that you as an individual can do.  However you and you alone can change your personal situation for something far far better.

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