Parable of the Wedding Banquet

Matthew 22:1-14

Jesus’ parable of the Wedding Banquet provides a picture of God’s relationship with humanity.

The Lord is constantly reaching out to people, but many turn away from Him and refuse His invitation.

In part this is because humanity has been deceived by sin and satan since logically an invitation to a banquet provided by God would be far too good an opportunity to be refused.  Humanity, however, has chosen to act independently of God and has gone its own way.

First in line for the invitation into God’s kingdom are His chosen people, the Jews, but many do not recognise Jesus as the Messiah.  As a consequence, God’s invitation is widened and the picture of the wedding banquet becomes that of Jesus being united with His Church as the Bride of Christ.

This amazing invitation is extended to everyone but all individuals must come to their own decisions.

The King who hosts the wedding – a picture of God the Father – provides the wedding clothes in the form of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.  To be present at the wedding banquet in the Kingdom of God, it is necessary to be clothed by the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is through His grace and in no other way that we may enter the presence of God.

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